We all experience those days when it’s raining cats and dogs, or freezing cold, and the kids have seemingly boundless energy. Time to break out the bag of tricks and create some indoor physical activities for the kids!
How to wear your kids out in the house.
The whole house is quivering with their pent up pep.
It’s time to break out the mini tramp and some clever tricks to keep everybody happy and your house standing!
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4 Ways to Get the Wiggles Out Indoors with these Indoor Physical Activities for Kids
1. Mini Trampoline –
There are endless possibilities with a mini trampoline.
A mini tramp is awesome for getting the wiggles out!
It can fit easily onto your living room floor and then be stood up and put behind a piece of furniture out of the way or pushed under the bed.
Kids love to jump! And rebounding is also excellent for the lymphatic system!
You can even play fun games like how many times can you jump on one leg, jump on and off, jump to the music, run in place…
2. YouTube Action and Movement Songs –
A great free resource for action videos for kiddos is YouTube.
You can set up a dance, exercise, or movement playlist and watch your kids get down and boogie!
Or better yet, join them and get a little workout in yourself!
Here are a few playlists that have kid friendly, action oriented videos:
The Learning Station, Preschool Music & Music
The Learning Station, Exercise Songs for Kids
The Kiboomers, Dance, Action & Movement
Super Simple Songs, Action & Movement for Kids
3. Living Room Dance Party –
One of my daughter’s favorite things to do is turn on music and have Mama and Daddy dance with her!
Sometimes, to get out those evening ants in the pants, we will crank it up and get super silly and wild!
4. Action Games – Keep them busy and their minds working with a few of these action game ideas:
~ Play charades. Make up some fun actions that your kids would be able to handle, like different animals, taking a bath, eating spaghetti… Write them on slips of paper and put them is a basket for drawing! This would be fun with the whole family!
~ Play Don’t Touch the Lava. Place things on the floor, (wash clothes, paper, pillows, etc…) that are like stepping stones, in a pathway around the room. Pretend that the floor is hot lava!
~ Play Freeze Dance! Turn on the music and dance. When the music stops, everyone must stay perfectly still until it starts again.
~ Do a ball toss. Set up different size boxes and bowls and take turns aiming and throwing a soft ball or balled up socks into the containers. You could add scores to make it more interesting.
~ Play Twister. Of course this one requires a mat and spinner.
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Please share if you have your own brilliant indoor energy busters in the comments to help us all out and until next time, always Dig the Good Life!

What fun! Can I come and play?!