So I think spring is my favorite.
(This fall I’ll say fall’s my favorite.) But right now, spring is just too glorious. May in the mountains… It’s so good to have warm and sunny days, and all the green back. We’ve had a couple cold snaps lately as we usually do, so the veggies haven’t gone in the garden yet, except cool weather tolerant stuff, but I’m so excited to plant all my babies I’ve been growing inside!
We do have broccoli, collards, dinosaur kale, snap peas, and radishes going. We love to go out and pull the radishes. They are so pretty, like little jewels.
Look at my Cold Frame Now!
I’ve shared a few pictures of the cold frame now, it’s amazing how everything has grown over the past 6 weeks if you go back and look at my post from then. My good compost we bought is doing it’s magic I think!
What is blooming right now are the rhododendron, blackberry brambles, my New Dawn climbing rose, and irises. I can’t stop taking pictures of the roses, they are so incredibly lovely! I ordered that rose the year our daughter was born. It came as this tiny, little stick and look at it now! They are both growing so fast.
Speaking of Little Bit, as you can see, she is very into dressing herself in fancy and unusual outfits, with necklaces, and bows and is very happy to wear anything frilly. I try to let her wear what she wants most of the time. She’s so funny, all her little stages are so interesting.
I understand what people mean now when they say “threenager.” Whew! But so sweet too. She spent about an hour with me today preparing our fresh strawberries we picked yesterday to freeze. She used a table knife and carefully cut off the stems and laid them on a baking tray. She loves to do anything grownup. She really can be a great help. Love her.

So, I guess that’s may in the mountains.

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I was figuring that too about fall. This spring is really green, from what snow we had maybe? ‘Poor man’s fertilizer’ as Pa Ingles said. And the Carolina Blue will knock your eyes out it’s so intense. Looks like Noodle Head is taking after the Wadd. She was known as Punky Wadster for a while. Got really interesting with the combinations and some were so loud we didn’t need night lites. And G.Muzzy is aiding and abetting with the new clothes haul. It’ll be interesting here too and she says there’s one coming for the surveyor. I’ll have to hide somewhere.