I am so thrilled to finally leave winter behind and enjoy these wonderful, warm spring and summer days! I also am enjoying a little time to myself again in the evenings now that Bubbies is sleeping part of the night in his crib! Hallelujah! Time to write a blog post??! Hot dog! Let me share spring on Windy Ridge with you!

There is so much blooming right now. Azalea has just about finished, but I took in quite a few branches to enjoy. Rhododendron is in full glory, blackberries, roses, viburnum, locust and so much more! Blossoms everywhere!

The kids are getting so big. Our little fella is crawling all over the house, climbing on the furniture and eating everything I feed him. I just love this age… He’s 8 months old and just so scrunchy and smiley and full of fun!
Ace is growing up, up, up! She is almost the same weight she was a year ago, but has grown several inches. She’s a bean pole like I was. She loves books, board games, art and crafts, cooking, playing outside… She’s just a fun kid. Super sweet, but also has a fierce streak of fiery in her too. We have our days! Ha! But she has such a helper’s spirit… I tell people that I don’t know how I had a baby the first time without her help!
And can I just take a moment to say how thankful I am for that sweet, bearded man holding the cute sleeping baby up there? He is working, going back to school and is very busy taking care of his family. I am so blessed to have him!

Right after I hit the publish button on this blog post for the first time, I looked up from the computer and saw this little fella. He wanted to say hello!

I hope you are enjoying spring as much as we are! What is the weather like where you live?

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